Post 26

White oak (Quercus alba) is one of the preeminent hardwoods of eastern North America. The wood is hard, strong, fibrous, and highly rot-resistant. White oak was used in the the Vikings’ ships, the plank roads in the nation’s first cities, and the USS Constitution (“Old Ironsides”). The acorns are an invaluable food for numerous wildlife species. With lower tannin levels (and less bitterness) than other acorns, white oak was a primary food source for indigenous people in this part of North America.

Body Scan Meditation

I invite you to take a seat at the bench for this meditation. You may choose to close your eyes or to keep them open.

Begin bringing awareness into the body through the breath.

As you breathe, move your focus to whichever part of the body you would like to investigate. You may want to start at your head or at your feet, but this choice is up to you.

Bring attention to body parts by breathing into them. Simply allow yourself to observe any sensations that come up and be present with what is.

As you move from one body part to another, try to feel each sensation as fully as possible, then intentionally release your focus as you move onto the next area.

When you are ready, slowly wriggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes.