Post 11
South Hill supports several plant species that are rare in New York. The native blue sedge (Carex glaucodea) is a small grass-like plant that tends to grow on South Hill in disturbed areas such as alongside hiking trails. It is listed as a threatened species in New York State. This sedge grows low to the ground and has blue-tinted leaves with a white powdery finish.
Mindful breathing meditation
I invite you to either sit or stand in the open field for this breathing meditation.
Find a relaxed, comfortable pose with your back in an upright position.
Take a moment to observe where your body is today. Gently notice and release any tensions you may be holding.
Tune into your breath. Feel the natural flow of your inhalations and exhalations. You don’t need to do anything special, just observe where you are now.
Are you breathing through your nostrils? Your mouth? Feel the sensation of the breath as it flows through your body.
If you find your mind wandering, kindly bring yourself back to the breath.